Womens Issue: Saying No

Self care is an important topic for all but I believe as women it's exceptionally important. My opinions about this stem from my perceptions growing up as a woman in the United States, all women have their own unique stories, experiences and perspectives and I am sure many differ from mine. However for me as a woman, daughter, sister, employee, feminist, friend... the labels can continue. Self care has been something I've struggled with a lot, somewhere in my journey I stopped asking myself what I wanted. Rather than asking "do I like him?" I began asking "does he like me?" What others thought became more important than my own thoughts and I became so consumed in pleasing that I lost sight of me.

I think many women struggle with this, by nature we are care givers, we want to fix and nurture and please and in doing so we lose our own voices. Self care has become an important part of my life. It's what helps keep me beautiful. I am more than great make up and pretty eyes or the number on a scale. I am a woman that was fragmented by others expectations and have begun to embrace what truly makes me beautiful, my own unique voice. I have learned to practice self care by saying two letters that fell out of my vocabulary for an extended period of time "no". My body is my own, my time is my own, I am my own and do not need to extend myself when I don't want to. Adding this to my vocabulary has vastly changed my life. People are finally getting to know who I am and they like me or don't because of that. Rather than simply needing me in their life, they CHOOSE me. I am happier and more able to show up when I want to because I am present in the moment. I am less resentful because I'm not being used! These things are huge for this woman and is something all young girls need to be taught at an early age. We learn to shut up, to be silent, to ask "does he like me?" so today I challenge all of you to ask yourself "do I like him?"

Do you struggle to say no?


  1. Fabulous blog Glossy Gurl! I so agree the struggle to say "No" is a huge one for most of us.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and responding! XoXo
