This iconic image from 'There's Something About Mary' lingers in my brain when I hear the word "aging". Here are my tips to preventing this leathery wrinkle face classic "Floridian" look.
1. Put down the tanning lotion and replace it with sunscreen!
This is a major must do to prevent this look. I am a girl who loves tanning and coincidentally loves to be tan, I think it helps me look healthier and adds some "glow" to a drab complexion. However I am beginning to embrace my pale face and try some new products! With so many self-tanning agents out there, it's unnecessary to slab on the baby oil and bake outside (or inside if you're so inclined) instead try these great products for a perfect tan.
NOTE: Check all sunless tanning products to make sure they have SPF in them, if they do not supplement by using your own!
2. In the morning exfoliate using an alpha-hydroxy cleanser.
Alpha-hydoxy acid helps to brighten and refresh your skin.
3. At night use a retinol cream.
4. STOP Smoking!
need I say more?

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