How to: newspaper nail art

What's black and white and read all over? Newspaper! Remember that joke as a kid? Well this look is inspired by that.. I was so excited about finally doing this nail art I was running around Rite Aid yelling "Where's the alcohol!?" I sounded like a drunk, but oh well it was worth it for this totally wordy look! 

P.s I'm working on a video of it! Stay tuned.

Tools needed:
A light polish
Rubbing alcohol
Cotton ball
A top coat

My specific products used:
OPI Ridge Filler base coat
Sally Hansen lavender cloud
Seche vote top coat

Step 1: after base coat (optional but highly recommended) paint light color on nails

Step 2: apply top coat

Allow both to dry completely

Step 3: tear pieces of newspaper up to fit over nail. Soak cotton ball in rubbing alcohol

Step 4: place newspaper over finger and place a saturated cotton ball on top press firmly and hold for a moment careful not to slide newspaper or it will smudge

Repeat on all nails

Step 5: apply top coat

Get creative if you wish and try different colors... Use tape like I did to create the two toned nails.

Below are several pictures of different ways to wear this easy and unique nail look.  

Do you love? I do! 
I didn't exactly clean these up so there is some errors in the picture... but I was excited I had to post immediately!
Enjoy gorgeous!