Eating disorders aren't new, they've been around for a long time and the internet has exacerbated the problem by creating forums and blogs dedicated to the life of the eating disordered. Called Pro- Ana or Pro-Mia sites (pro-anorexia or pro-bulimia) they are banned but let's be real if you creep into the net deep enough you will be baffled and super grossed out by what is still surfing around.
Blogging and social platforms are trying to take a stand, for example tumblr has banned any self-harm sites and if you try to search certain self-harm terms you will be redirected to a site which offers help. Great in theory, how do you actually monitor this?! I just did a search of tumblr using obvious self-harm terms like "pro-ana" and I was not redirected anywhere. Thinspiration came up with comments from desperate girls: "I need a proana buddy! idk somebody between the age range of 14-18 that could maybe just send me a couple of motivating and slightly horrible and mean messages in the morning?? ^.^", "stop eating, pig" ,"because you'll be considered the skinny friend for once".
Pinterest is the newest craze and according to NEDA (national eating disorder association)is a highly effective form of thinspiration as it is both visual and highly interactive. The interacting with other pro-ana(mia) women is what's new. When I was younger I was bulimic, I am aging myself a bit right now, but the internet wasn't huge. I didn't have a network of people to help me in pursuit of my "goal". I had a composition notebook titled "thinspiration" that consisted of me cutting out images of women's legs, arms and stomachs from magazines. I dissected women's bodies. I created little monsters that were perfect and deemed them my goal. Today you aren't isolated in your pursuit, you have other people supporting you, egging you on, telling you that you aren't good enough. They reinforce your fears with images and messages. A few posted below:
A quick note. I have not purged in 4 years. I went to an 18 month treatment program, an eating disorder is unlike any other "addiction". You can't abstain. You need food to survive. Unfortunately this is a life long battle that manifests in different ways. There is a way out, there is help. If you are seeking help for an eating disorder please click here for NEDA's website.
The other side of the internet is the positive and supportive ending of body issues. My new favorite movement is called "My Body Gallery". It's images of real woman. You can search for your body type, you put in your height, weight and body shape and images will pop up of other women with your same figure. It's often hard to look at yourself with any type of objectivity, but this site gives you the opportunity to see other real women. Click here to check it out! This site explains why it was started:
"A recent study found that 95% of non-eating disordered women overestimate the size of their hips by 16% and their waists by 25%, yet the same women were able to correctly estimate the width of a box. In a world full of images of how we "should" look it can get difficult to tell how we DO look. Our hope is to build a site where women can see what real women look like. What we really look like."
I love this idea, it's a beautiful site and is creating a network of women to support each other in a healthy and positive way.
No easy way to end thinspo or pro-ana(mia) sites exists however the positive body movements are a great start. Censoring won't stop the problem, girls/ women will just resort to other methods to motivate themselves. The movements are where the change is, to help women view themselves objectively is quite the task however if achieved can possibly provide lasting change.
What do you think is a good solution to these issues? Do you struggle to view yourself with objectivity?
Before you go... a little message!

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