Today's culture is obsessed with fat, whether you have fat on you, are eating fat, afraid of fat or are trying to lose fat our society has a lot to say about your relationship with it. Magazine covers are plastered with images of beautiful airbrushed women and how to lose fill in the blank in 4 easy steps. Fad diets grace the news regularly and remind us all in case we forgot for even one moment we need to be concerned about our weight and if you're not you should probably be ashamed of it.
I love Cosmopolitan this is not a slam on the mag, unfortunately for them I am a subscriber so I grabbed a few I had laying around and noticed this...
The covers bombard us with tips and tricks to flatten your stomach and shrink your thighs. What if you <gasp> like your belly and thighs? In my opinion women are meant to be soft, we are meant to have curves. Too thin women look too young to me, prepubescent if you will.
This image has gone viral on facebook and I just love it...
Marilyn Monroe is still the ideal image of beauty, yet we rarely see a celeb with her body. I'm tired of the messages we receive, young women are growing up with these same obsessions, when I was a waitress it was common to see 4th and 5th grade girls order a diet coke. They are mimicking the world around them and with bullying on the rise it's no wonder young girls are taking extreme measures to remain thin. Throwing up your food seems like a better option than eating lunch in the bathroom if it means you won't get picked on.
Am I the only one that is obsessed with fat? Maybe this is my own issue and every other woman out there is content. What do you think?

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